Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Blogging Experience

I had so much fun in this class! My favorite activities to do were: Animoto, Creating an avatar, and Gig Huge Labs. I liked doing all of these things because they were fun to do, and I love creating pictures and videos. I didn't think that the animotos were exciting, but in the end, it turned out being one of my favorite activities. I wouldn't change anything about the activities or schedule except that I wish we would of had more time to work on our blogs. If their was an option to take another discovery class like this one, I would definitely take it because I love to work with computers and I had a lot of fun! My one word to describe the middle school 2.0 learning system would be EXCITING!! That's why I had so much fun working on my blog that I am sad to say goodbye.


This week we were learning about copyright. Copyright is the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.: works granted such right by law on or after January 1, 1978, are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death. Copyright is important to use because you need to give credit to the author you are using his/ hers work from. If you don't use copyright, you can be sued from the state or the author. The creator of a piece of art would be interested in copyright because they need to get credit for their work, and they can also lose lots of money. If I found out that someone was using my work and not giving me credit for it, I would get mad, and if I new them I would ask them to take it off. If i didn't know the person then I would find out if they were using my photo in a good way and if not, I would contact people that could find the person and tell them to take my work off of their website/ blog. If that person sited my work I wouldn't be mad because I would know that everyone knows my work. This is what I feel about copyright.

Some of these definitions were found on

Monday, October 5, 2009

Voice Thread and Animoto

Voice thread and animoto are both really cool websites! You can use animoto to do a slide show instead of PowerPoint. Animoto is really cool because you can choose your pictures from animoto's special library and once you are all done, animoto puts all your photos into a slide show with your music! I think that animoto is better to use for school purposes and voice thread is better for home purposes. On voice thread you can comunicate with people around the world using your computer. On voice thread you can record your voice, put it online, and people will respond. That is why I love voice thread and animoto!

Google Docs

I love Google Docs because you can do more than just writing on it. On Google Docs you don't need a flash drive and you can access your work anywhere. I can use Google docs to do school work or a creative art assignment. Google docs is not complicated to use, and if you already have a G-mail account, its is fast and easy to get started!

Friday, October 2, 2009

What I did on Google Docs

This is what I made on Google Docs. Click here to see my work.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Image Chef and Comic Strip Generator

Image Chef is a cool website where you an experiment with sketchpad, poetry blender, word mosaic, and photo frames. I like Image Chef because you can make a nice class project using some of the tools. Comic Strip Generator also allows you to create comic strips with a funny backround. That is why I like Image Chef and Comic Strip Generator.